segunda-feira, 31 de maio de 2010

Internet: short or long distance?

It is not new for anyone that internet has been integrating many countries around the world. People in Brazil can easily talk to somebody who is in Asia, which seamed almost impossible some years ago.
Moreover, with just some clicks, a person can find out a lot about the culture and the language of some places that, maybe, she will never know.
Nevertheless, internet has also brought some problems. People seam to be more distant from each other, even if the person is just across the hall. With all these new technologies, people may have forgotten that physical contact is also extremely necessary.
Therefore, internet is absolutely important and has approximated many people and cultures. However, it has also enlarged distance between people who were closer and it has reduced physical contact.

Favorite Numbers

I don't have a favorite number. Actually, I don't believe in this kind of stuff. I think that there are many things on life that say if something will happen or not, but it has nothing to do with luck or numbers.
In fact, for me, the numbers that happen to appear in your life are just coincidences. If you see a number many times on the same day, you can be almost sure that it's not a sign or anything, it's just a number that, by coincidence, appeared for you.
However, I like big numbers such as 1 million because they remind me of money and that, someday, with a lot of work and effort, I might get it and spend it on many great things.

My favourite number

I really don't have many specials reasons to have this favourite number, I mean... Many people say that " 'x' is my favourite number because I had a especial day in this date, I had 'x' something..." and it goes on. Eight is my favourite number just because I guess it's a cool number. I have a website nickname with this number on it, I frequently "use" this number or a number that have eight in the middle in games like Perfil and other stuff that mix numbers and luck. So, because off that, eight is my favourite number. Maybe I already had eight "something" but I can't remember. I don't really pay many attention to remember these kind off stuff.

quarta-feira, 26 de maio de 2010

Number 7even

My favorite number is 7! Because everything is related to number seven in my life!
It was my first kiss on 7 of october, I have 7 best Friends in my entire life, 7 days of study, the best movie of terror (seven).

So that's my favorite number^^

segunda-feira, 24 de maio de 2010

My favorite number

Well, I don't know why but my favorite number is 8. There isn't a reason for it, I just like this number. I think that I associate this number with the infinity symbol that is a 'lying' eight, that I really like as well. Actually, I don't like odd numbers and I never had good experiences with them.
If you ask me to tell you a number I'll never say an odd number, and I'm quite sure that I will answer the number 8. (:

My favourite number.

My favourite number is 7. Why? It's easy to say becayse I used to use this number everytime. My number in soccer team of school is 7. I win 7 bucks in pocket money( I don't think I should call it luck). I don't know why, but 7 is a cute number and I carried it all over my life.

quinta-feira, 20 de maio de 2010

terça-feira, 18 de maio de 2010

Shosholoza - Soweto

Bad luck

I guess I’m a person who likes to do the opposite when the subject is luck. I really appreciate all those numbers that people avoid for bringing bad luck! My favorite numbers – except for number 12, which I like for being my birthday – are the odd ones. And, actually, those are the numbers that people usually say that bring bad luck. Although almost everyone hates the number 13, I really like it! Italian people don’t like the number 17, and I don’t have any problem with that. The numbers 7 and 9, which by the way are known here for bringing bad luck, are welcome too. And it’s not just about numbers: I love black cats! Do I have any problem?

Hung by a thread

It happened to a friend of mine. He was walking and a poor street boy, probably about his age, showed up and asked for something to eat. My friend said ‘Come here, I’ll buy you a sandwich’ and they ate together. After two days, this friend was walking near the same place and a group of street boys turned up and decided to steal his mobile. When he was giving it, one of the boys said ‘Hey, you are the guy that bought me a sandwich, aren’t you?’ So, the street boys let him stay with the mobile. My friend never stayed so happy for buying someone a sandwich!

Video about Soweto!

video ->
for the ones who doesn't know what soweto is..

segunda-feira, 17 de maio de 2010


My favourite numer is 4.
I think that it is my lucky number because:
-I was born on April
-I started do date my first girlfriend on 4th May
-At school I used to the number 4 for 4 years
-I am the older brother, with 4 years of difference
and have other reasons that I don't remember now.
Every time that someone sais "Say a number" I say 4. I don't know very well why, but 4 is my favourite.

terça-feira, 11 de maio de 2010

Lucky number

My favourite number is 9, I don't have a reason but i always choose this number and it gives me a good result! I believe that this is a good number to select in games or something like that. (9 is a good mark in test too, but unfortunately it's not common in my life!) Some people say that this number doesn't bring luck, but I believe in the number 13 as 9, so I prefer to thing that all the numbers change their sign acording to the person who believes on them..

segunda-feira, 10 de maio de 2010

Favourite Number

My favourite number is number 5. Why? I don't know the correct explanation, though I'm shure that there is one... Here are some guesses:
->I was born on May(which is the fifth month) 5th- 05/05
->As my name begins with D, most of the times I was the fifth name in the presence list of the class
->I was born at 10:10 pm and 10 is like a "double" 5
->When I was 10, there were only 5 ramaining milk-teet
and other silly reasons which i choose the nimber 5 to be my favourite one.

see you...

sábado, 1 de maio de 2010

who doesn't know about THE CLOSER(tv series)

it's two little sneaks peaks about ''the closer''