Globalization is a phenomenon that began with the capitalist expansion of the Industrial Revolution, the result of post World War II.
This is a most visible on the Internet, thanks to ease the flow of information very fast. Arose mainly because of new media.
The labor market effects of globalization are evident, with the creation of the mode of outsourcing jobs to countries with manpower cheaper to deliver services that do not have high qualification, with production distributed among several countries, either to create a single product, where each company creates a part, is to create the same product in several countries to reduce costs and gain competitive advantage in access to regional markets.
But there are contradictions regarding the characteristics of globalization that involves increased risks of global financial transactions, with no control on economic stability. Thus, the economic instability that occurs in a particular country, it creates epidemics in the rest of the interconnected countries. These, in turn, are each time more dependent on each other and no longer any possibility of isolation.
On the positive side, the ease with which innovations spread across countries and continents, fast and easy access to information and assets. With the caveat that for the less privileged classes, especially in developing countries, such access is not "easy" (because its cost is high) and will not be fast.
terça-feira, 28 de setembro de 2010
domingo, 26 de setembro de 2010
The World Without Globalization, Can You Imagine That?!
Nowadays the world is connected. We can turn on the computer and surf in the internet to see images, news, texts, and learn about the culture and the news of every country in the world. You can even talk with people of other countries, you can make reunions using a webcam with people from your job that are all around the world, you can buy products from many different countries then yours in the internet.
Something that just happened can be on tv like five minutes after it happened, you can "know" other countries in your room and many other stuff. But the globalization is not only good for us, the population, but it's also very good for marketing and business. And I sincerelly just can't imagine how would be our world whitout globalization. With globalization, we have more communication and more information available all the time for us. And not only that. We have fun to. There are music, movies, books, tv shows, food, games. Nowadays if we stop and look at our life we will se that many of the stuff that we like to do, that we like to play, to eat, read or see are from other countries.
However, when you see that many of the things that you have, that you read, see, listen, eat and watch are from other countries, you can also see that in the middle of all these benefits, the globalization can also have a negative point. The compannies have the habit to import so many things from other countries - mainly USA - that this disable the opportunitie of our own country to have some progress not only on economy but in literature, music, cinema. If you stop and look, you'll see, in a book store, for example, that there are much more books of american writers than of brazilian writers. Many people, mainly the teenagers, hear more american music than brazilian. The amount of american movies that are released don't even compare to the small quantity of brazilian movies that are released. Of course that there's a reason for it to happen, that the USA have more money to make better movies, to invest more on literature, cinema, music and other stuff, but if their products continue to be the more consumed, when it will stop and other countries will have the opportunnity to grow? It is good to have an access to other cultures, but this can turn into a bad thing when other cultures, arts and other products that aren't brazilian are the most usual in our country and in our life, making impossible for our own country to grow.
sexta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2010
Glob, glob, globalization!!
Could it be said the we're drawning, or even drawned, in this globalized world?
How far is it good? What are the side effects of this process?
Is there the slightest possibilitey of a drawback?
I believe gobalization is here to stay and there is nothing we can do to stop its progress. One can say there are many disadvantages mainly for the long list of developing countries around the world. Nevertheless, they still have lots of benefits from it.
Due to these days development in terms of communication, globalization has huge impact in every area of our lifes, from economy to leisure, from health to culture. Everything has changed because of globalization, either directly or not.
Shopping is a good example of this huge change! Some years ago, we would have to go abroad to have most imported items. Nowadays we can buy most things we wish from most places around the world. There are websites where you can buy, safely pay and check the delivery status. It is absolutely safe, at least in most cases!!
I have already told you that I have shopped basically everything online, and many things from abroad. My mobile, my e-reader, some books, toys, CDs, even shoes!
Something that thrills me is the possibility we have of reaching everywhere on the globe on the spot, through internet or telephone. Information have become so valuable these days because it is constantly and instantaneously being altered. It is getting difficult to keep up with the news!
This video is just food for thought!!
How far is it good? What are the side effects of this process?
Is there the slightest possibilitey of a drawback?
I believe gobalization is here to stay and there is nothing we can do to stop its progress. One can say there are many disadvantages mainly for the long list of developing countries around the world. Nevertheless, they still have lots of benefits from it.
Due to these days development in terms of communication, globalization has huge impact in every area of our lifes, from economy to leisure, from health to culture. Everything has changed because of globalization, either directly or not.
Shopping is a good example of this huge change! Some years ago, we would have to go abroad to have most imported items. Nowadays we can buy most things we wish from most places around the world. There are websites where you can buy, safely pay and check the delivery status. It is absolutely safe, at least in most cases!!
I have already told you that I have shopped basically everything online, and many things from abroad. My mobile, my e-reader, some books, toys, CDs, even shoes!
Something that thrills me is the possibility we have of reaching everywhere on the globe on the spot, through internet or telephone. Information have become so valuable these days because it is constantly and instantaneously being altered. It is getting difficult to keep up with the news!
This video is just food for thought!!
It has a second purpose: to introduce you to a video created with the website I told you about - Animoto!
I hope to have here your videos pretty soon!
terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010
The world without Globalization
No internet, no international musics, no international films. These are some examples of what maybe wouldn't exist if there isn't globalization. It's easy, nowadays, to know what is happening with the whole world just by turning on you TV or surfing the net. However, can you imagine how the world would be without globalization?
It would take too much time for someone who lives in Brazil, for instance, know what is happening in another country.
The globalization has changed the whole world, conecting the countries and the people, and made life much easier as you can know other cultures just by watching a programme about it or searching on the internet.
The countries are so conected that bacame really hard to figure out that one day it wasn't like this and a population didn't even know the existence of another one in other place.
Maybe we wouldn't know anything about South Africa or Japan, for example, but one thing is true, we can't live without it anymore.
domingo, 19 de setembro de 2010
Globalization: What would the world be like without it?

Our world is totally connected nowadays, something that is happening on another country, even if it's on the other side of the world, is shown to many people in different places at the same moment. There are many good things that came with this process, like the connection between the continents. We can know more about other cultures and use things related to than. In Brazil, as an example, we use clothes, listen to music, watch films and go to places in the same way that some people from another places, and they can do the same with the brazilian's culture. On the other hand, the globalization shows how the world is controlled by the "most powerful" countries, as the United Stated, and it's clear to see because they have influences in almost all the world (music,films,food). I can't imagine how would our lifes be without it, because we've adapted to this kind of life wich ''we live here like we were living there!"
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